
How do consolidate, optimize and rationalize printing in companies?

Although we live in a digital world and it could be said that we have less and less need to print documents, however, this is still not quite the case. There is still a very present need to print numerous documents as part of the business, which entails not-so-small costs. Is there any hope for optimizing that cost of doing business, you may already be wondering? Don't worry - we bring it to you in this text - find out everything about the so-called "MPDS" system (Managed Print and Document Services), that is, the system for consolidation, optimization, and rationalization of printing, scanning, and copying.

What are the MPDS - system for consolidation, optimization, and rationalization of printing?

The MPDS system is a software solution for managing all aspects of your business's printing devices, including printers, scanners, faxes, and copiers. This service is quite widespread in the world but also our country, and many companies use it to manage the mentioned processes. Forget about worrying about changing toners, printers that don't work because some part is missing, and repairs! MPDS is a great system, which provides a complete service for managing printing and other accompanying processes from the beginning to the final output, and enables company printing to be easy and under control.

How and why to start applying MPDS?

To begin with, ask yourself a few questions and analyze your situation. Are you satisfied with printing documents at work? In most cases, even if the equipment that you have purchased yourself is used, the situation is not exactly the best.
Reasons: old equipment, ten of them connected to one printer, toners are used up little by little or are weaker, slow or complicated procurement of cartridges (not to get into the issue of the necessary procurement through tenders and the endless waiting for them as a result, which is mandatory for many ), a critical printer in which the paper jams now and then and the printing process is blocked, a bad or faded printout, not to mention the environmental problems due to excessive or unnecessary printing without control.

We have all experienced this, many still do, and you have many valid reasons for dissatisfaction. Not to mention perhaps the most important item - the figures show that as much as 3% of the company's total costs per year are printing costs, especially if it cannot be monitored and controlled on an individual level. MPDS - the system for consolidation, optimization, and rationalization of printing is the solution for this, which leads to the rationalization and optimization of printing. This is a system that is also known as "print outsourcing" or the organization of an external printing service provider, and these are usually IT companies such as Planet soft, which offer such services in cooperation with leading manufacturers of printers and similar products and services.

To properly understand the need for a possible transition to the MPDS system, it is a prerequisite that you analyze the situation in your company. To begin with, you need to analyze your printing needs and how much these costs are, where the central work unit would be located, i.e., a printer or a multifunctional device that can perform the roles of copier, scanner, and fax machine; how many users would use such a networked system, etc.? After that, you have something to use as a reference value for considering the introduction of the MPDS system. After collecting this data, an analysis is made based on which changes are made to your existing fleet of devices, which, on the one hand, should meet your needs, and on the other hand, it should not lead to an increase in costs, but on the contrary, to a decrease. Based on this, the service provider should give you a proposal for which specific fleet of devices is needed and how it will be distributed most cost-effectively, without jeopardizing your processes and business.

What are the advantages of using the MPDS system?

The overriding and most important goal is to reduce the number of devices and, in this way, optimize the printing process and costs.

Here are the reasons why you should use the MPDS system:

  • Maintenance – the MPDS system takes care of the printers and stops possible problems with them before they happen
  • Cost reduction – these operating costs can be reduced by around 30+%
  • Procurement management - you never have to worry about the delay again, companies that use the MPDS system never run out of printing supplies.
  • Easier monitoring of printing costs, with the possibility of individual level
  • Reducing the time IT spends working on printing problems

In addition to savings, from the security point of view the MPDS system enables the following:

  • Secure printing (the user sees only the jobs that he sent for printing)
  • User identification through certain types of cards or tokens
  • Synchronization with Active Directory (only approved AD user accounts can print)
  • Protection from unwanted views when printing
  • Determining press irregularities through reporting
  • Prohibition and restriction on certain printing levels (user groups, roles, number of pages per day or in total, suppression of unnecessary printing...)

By introducing an adequate MPDS system, it is possible to control up to 85% of the total amount of printing. The MPDS system is not unknown in our area and many companies have recognized its advantages, especially those that still need printing in a scientific ratio. Our MPDS system is used by some of the largest domestic companies, such as Mtel, Nova Banka, and Wiener Insurance VIG. If you want more information or free advice, feel free to contact us at: office@planetsoft.ba



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